How To Stay Mentally Healthy At Work

Whether you work from home or go on-site, your mental health can be affected by your job. Taking care of yourself mentally often gets overlooked, especially while at work. Maintaining a healthy mind can help your productivity and wellbeing. While ignoring your mental health can lead to some detrimental health consequences. At Digital Mules, we pride ourselves on creating an environment that promotes healthy habits. It’s important to be proactive before it can turn into a real problem.

6 Ways To Help Maintain Your Mental Health

  1. Check-in with yourself. Evaluate your stress levels and how you’re feeling. Make it a point each workday to check in with yourself. Try tracking your moods. Take a few minutes each down and write down how you’re feeling. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or taking on too much, let someone know. Remember to ask for help if you need it.
  1. Plan out your day. Start each day by making a list of your top priorities and organizing your day. Tackle the more difficult and time-consuming tasks first then start on the easier ones. If you manage others, make a list of their long-term projects and due dates. Being disorganized at work can add to stress levels and reduce productivity. 
  1. Be organized. Along with organizing your day, organize your workspace. It can be a pain searching for a specific document among a stack of messy papers. A cluttered workspace can make you feel anxious and disorganized. 
  1. Have a balanced meal. It’s sometimes easier to just go out for lunch every day but not only does the cost add up, but it also can decrease your mental health. Eating healthy affects your mental health more than most realize. Pack a healthy lunch and some snacks for the day. Try to stick to low-sugar lunches to maintain energy levels. It’s also vital to stay hydrated throughout the workday. It might be a good idea to invest in a water bottle that tracks your water intake.
  1. Take mindful breaks. Take a few minutes for yourself whenever you need it. You can meditate, stretch, or go for a short walk. It’s beneficial to get the blood flowing in intervals during the day, especially if you sit at a desk for most of the day. Schedule in some breaks when you’re planning out your day.
  1. Set boundaries. Know when to say no. Try to leave work at work. This might be difficult for some who work from home, but it’s important to end work at a set time and focus on yourself. Otherwise, your work-life balance will begin to suffer. Avoid checking emails and notifications on your off time. 

Sometimes staying mentally healthy is beyond your control and expert help is needed. There is no shame in needing help. You should always seek treatment whenever you need it. Let your boss know if you’re struggling to keep up and you may be able to brainstorm some solutions that might help. It could also be beneficial to encourage a positive workplace and reach out to your coworkers. You might not be the only one who is struggling and can help each other. 

If you’re feeling too stressed or stretched thin, take some time for yourself. Don’t let your paid time off go to waste, take a much-needed vacation. Prioritizing your mental health can help you live a happy, healthy, and longer life. Taking care of yourself should always be at the top of your to-do list every day. 

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